...about the things I love

Sunday, 12 July 2015


Today's post is inspired by my own negativity. I know, I know! Not a good trait to carry round on shoulders which are already weighed down by the what if's, the to-do lists, the hard decisions life throws our way. But sometimes, we're just not a positive bunch. I know I am not always. And that's okay, it's not possible to be all fluffy bunnies and unicorns all the time. Life does not work like that. But the important thing is how we deal with those negative feelings and how they manifest themselves, if we let them, into our outlook and thought processes.

Take this morning for example. I am fairly hormonal right now and I know that at times that can really effect how I feel about myself and others. I looked in the mirror, looked at my hormonal breakouts and told myself "you look horrendous today". I went to pour a drink and split most of it on the counter top and said to myself "you are such an idiot". I spent careful time playing with my new make up, trying different looks and taking photographs for my next blog post and said to myself "you are shit at doing makeup, you look awful, there are no good picture of you". All in all, I had not been very kind to myself. It was at this point that I realised I was hurting my own feelings, not taking care of myself and basically bullying myself by being so hard of little old me.

Since I signed up to 'Yoga with Adriene' in January, I receive weekly emails from Adriene to motivate the journey her Youtube community is on and one phrase in particular from this weeks email really stood out to me and I wanted to share it with you;

"When you say something mindless and hurtful to yourself your whole being listens"

Once I'd stamped on my own confidence the third time, I reminded myself of this quote. I don't want my whole being to listen to this negativity, I don't want to hurt my feelings I just felt down! But I can feel down without doing damage. I am not ugly because I have spots, I am normal. I am not stupid because I split the orange juice, I'm a clumsy and half asleep and should laugh at my lack of early morning coordination! And I'm not shit at make up, I'm learning. As for the photographs? Well, I'll let you be the judge of that of my next post, but looking back at the shots they look quite pretty. Which was the brief!

What I want to tell you dear reader, is to be kind to yourself. Life is full of challenges where we will succeed in spectacular form one minute and fail the very next. Life is tough, it is relentless and ever changing. The only thing you can be sure about in life, is that you will spend your entire life with yourself. You are with yourself 24/7, 365 days a year. And your soul and spirit can only flourish if you except failures as learning curves and give yourself a pat on the back after those girl done good moments. Your whole being is listening, so manifest your thoughts more constructively "if I am not at my best at X, then what do I need to do to get better?' Tell the universe what you want and channel your energy into achieve it. Be kind to yourself and always be true to you. Use this post to refer back to if you need a bit of reminder on how to deal with the bigger picture. Go back to basics. Look after yourself. Tend to you. Love yo' self!! 

Sending hugs to those of you who need it and high fives to those rocking it today.

Don't forget to laugh, to dance, to pull faces and to scream when you need to.You've got a whole life in front of you, make the most of it.

Until next time, Steph :)

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