...about the things I love

Monday, 30 March 2015


Did you know that Saturday 4th April 2015 is National Pillow Fight Day? Nope? Me neither! But apparently this organised feather flailing event happens every year all over the world and this weekend it will all be happening in Trafalgar Square in Central London. Whilst I sadly won't be attending, the event inspired me to blog about pillows! Or pillowcases to be more specific, silk pillowcases...

I had recently read about the many reputed benefits of swapping the old cotton sack for a silky case.
Reported benefits include:

  • The fabric is naturally hypoallergenic and has a natural resistance to dust mites and other allergies
  • It helps keep your skin moisturised as, unlike cotton, it doesn't absorb all that lovely face cream you've remortgaged to get
  • Sleeping on a silk pillowcase can help your skin remain healthy looking and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles 
  • The smoothness of the fabric can help reduce friction on your hair which can lead to damage and split ends
  • Silk is super breathable and cool to touch so if your of a certain age and suffer with night sweats or just get too warm in bed you will really benefit from feeling the coolness on your skin.
  • Silk is a luxurious fabric and given we spend many an hour with our faces pressed up against it, shouldn't it feel like a lovely experience?

 Interested in all these benefits, I bought a Gingerlily silk pillowcase from John Lewis.

I wanted to give it a try myself because I tend to get hormonal breakouts around my chin and I had started to notice that the majority of spots were appearing on the right side on my face and I sleep on my right side so, putting two and two together I thought that maybe the breath-ability of silk might help reduce this. I have been resting my head on my pillowcase for about 6 weeks now and I have to say I really love my pillowcase! It feels nice and cool to lay on but they do crease a lot! I have certainly noticed a reduction in breakouts. I still get the odd one on that side, which is just how my skin is, but nothing like I used to so I feel that it really has proved to be worth the hype. Although at £39.00, if I were to attend a national pillow fight, I'd probably take a cotton one!

Have you tried a silk case? Have you read this blog? Leave me a comment!

Until next time, Steph :)

Twitter- @SFayBlog

 This is not a sponsored or paid for post just purely my thoughts and options.

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